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Rev. cienc. salud (Bogotá) ; 21(1): [1-10], ene.-abr. 2023.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1512788


Introducción: el síndrome HELLP y rotura hepática es una complicación poco frecuente, especialmente en casos de embarazo gemelar. Se presenta el caso de un hematoma subcapsular hepático roto por síndrome HELLP que complicó un embarazo gemelar que requirió una cesárea de emergencia y para el manejo de la hipovolemia, el empaquetamiento hepático. Presentación del caso: mujer de 41 años, con gestación gemelar de 35 semanas, quien acudió al servicio de emergencia, por contracciones uterinas y ausencia de movimientos fetales. Ante una bradicardia severa de ambos fetos, se optó por una cesárea de urgencia. Al abrir la cavidad abdominal, se encontró hemoperitoneo y se logró extraer ambos fetos vivos. Se realizó una laparotomía media, supra e infraumbilical exploradora (poscesárea) y se halló una rotura hepática del lóbulo derecho. Se procedió a un empaquetamiento hepático con compresas y cierre temporal abdominal; entre tanto, el manejo del shock hipovolémico y la preeclampsia se continuó en la unidad de cuidados intensivos. La paciente se fue de alta en buenas condiciones a los 21 días. Conclusión: el síndrome HELLP produce complicaciones graves, como rotura hepática, que si no es tratada de forma correcta, temprana y multidisciplinaria, puede llevar a producir mortalidad materno-perinatal.

Introduction: HELLP syndrome and hepatic rupture are rare complications, especially in the case of twin pregnancy. Here, we present a case of ruptured hepatic subcapsular hematoma due to HELLP syndrome that caused complication in a twin pregnancy. This case required emergency Cesarean section and management of hypo- volemia hepatic packing. Case presentation: A 41-year-old female pregnant with twins (35 weeks) came to the emergency room for uterine contractions and absence of fetal movements. Due to severe bradycardia in both fetuses, emergency Cesarean section was performed. When the abdominal cavity was opened, hemoperitoneum was found, and both fetuses were extracted alive. A median, supra-, and infraumbilical exploratory laparotomy (post Cesarean section) was performed, and right lobe hepatic rupture was found. Subsequently, hepatic packing with compression and temporary abdominal closure was performed. Hypovolemic shock and preeclampsia was continuously managed in the intensive care unit. At 21 days, the patient was discharged in good condition. Conclusion: HELLP syndrome causes serious complications, such as hepatic rupture, which may lead to maternal and perinatal mortality if not correctly treated early in a multidisciplinary manner.

Introdução: a síndrome HELLP e a ruptura hepática são complicações raras, especialmente em casos de gravidez gemelar. Neste artigo, apresentamos o caso de um hematoma subcapsular hepático rompido devido à síndrome HELLP que complicou uma gravidez gemelar que exigiu uma cesariana de emergência e tamponamento hepático para o manejo da hipovolemia. Apresentação do caso: mulher, 41 anos, gestação gemelar de 35 semanas, recorre ao pronto-socorro por contrações uterinas e ausência de movimentos fetais. Devido à bradicardia grave em ambos os fetos, foi decidida uma cesariana de emergência. Ao abrir a cavidade abdominal o hemoperitônio é localizado, sendo possível extrair ambos os fetos vivos. Foi realizada laparotomia exploradora mediana, supra e infraumbilical (pós-cesariana) sendo constatada ruptura hepática do lobo direito. Foi realizado tamponamento hepático com compressas e fechamento abdominal temporário, e o manejo do choque hipovolêmico e da pré-eclâmpsia foi mantido na Unidade de Terapia Intensiva, onde a paciente recebeu alta em boas condições após 21 dias. Conclusão: a síndrome HELLP produz complicações graves como a ruptura hepática que, se não tratada de forma precoce e multidisciplinar, pode levar à mortalidade materna perinatal.

Humanos , Gravidez
Molecules ; 26(8)2021 Apr 12.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33921412


Nacobbus aberrans ranks among the "top ten" plant-parasitic nematodes of phytosanitary importance. It causes significant losses in commercial interest crops in America and is a potential risk in the European Union. The nematicidal and phytotoxic activities of seven plant extracts against N. aberrans and Solanum lycopersicum were evaluated in vitro, respectively. The chemical nature of three nematicidal extracts (EC50,48h ≤ 113 µg mL-1) was studied through NMR analysis. Plant extracts showed nematicidal activity on second-stage juveniles (J2): (≥87%) at 1000 µg mL-1 after 72 h, and their EC50 values were 71.4-468.1 and 31.5-299.8 µg mL-1 after 24 and 48 h, respectively. Extracts with the best nematicidal potential (EC50,48h < 113 µg mL-1) were those from Adenophyllum aurantium, Alloispermum integrifolium, and Tournefortia densiflora, which inhibited L. esculentum seed growth by 100% at 20 µg mL-1. Stigmasterol (1), ß-sitosterol (2), and α-terthienyl (3) were identified from A. aurantium, while 1, 2, lutein (4), centaurin (5), patuletin-7-ß-O-glucoside (6), pendulin (7), and penduletin (8) were identified from A. integrifolium. From T. densiflora extract, allantoin (9), 9-O-angeloyl-retronecine (10), and its N-oxide (11) were identified. The present research is the first to report the effect of T. densiflora, A. integrifolium, and A. aurantium against N. aberrans and chemically characterized nematicidal extracts that may provide alternative sources of botanical nematicides.

Antinematódeos/farmacologia , Extratos Vegetais/química , Extratos Vegetais/toxicidade , Solanum lycopersicum/efeitos dos fármacos , Animais , Antinematódeos/química , Espectroscopia de Ressonância Magnética Nuclear de Carbono-13 , Espectroscopia de Prótons por Ressonância Magnética , Tylenchoidea/efeitos dos fármacos
Medwave ; 20(8): e8037, 2020 Sep 25.
Artigo em Espanhol, Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33017386


Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) causes COVID-19 (Coronavirus disease 2019). This disease was detected in the city of Wuhan in China in December 2019. People infected with COVID-19 shows varying manifestations, depending on their health and age. The most common symptoms are fever, cough, myalgia, fatigue, odynophagia, and dyspnea. Infected adults older 60 years of age are the group of patients most susceptible to severe COVID-19 states and present comor-bidity in the presence of chronic diseases. On the other hand, it is also essential to have tests to detect SARS-COV-2 in people and follow the evolution of COVID-19 quickly, reliably, and cheap. To achieve this, there are real-time reverse transcription pol-ymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) tests, isothermal nucleic acid amplification, and enzyme immunostimulation. Currently, there are no drug treatments to prevent infection and to combat the virus's effects. However, different research groups that are conduct-ing in vitro, in vivo, and in silico tests to find drugs able to provide an immune response and to control infection in humans with SARS-CoV-2. Chloroquine, hydroxychloroquine, remdesivir, interferon-2b, and oseltamivir are some pharmacological options evaluated in clinical trials for prophylaxis of COVID-19. The purpose of this review is to establish a reference framework for taxonomic classification of SARS-CoV-2 and the relationship they have with other CoVs, as well as their structure and propaga-tion pathways in humans. The characteristics and symptoms presented by patients with COVID-19, the detection methods, and possible treatments are also presented.

El síndrome respiratorio agudo severo coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) es responsable de la enfermedad denominada COVID-19 (acrónimo del inglés Coronavirus Disease-2019). Esta enfermedad fue detectada inicialmente en la ciudad de Wuhan, China en diciembre de 2019. Las personas contagiadas con COVID-19 presentan síntomas variados, dependiendo de su estado de salud y edad. Los síntomas más comunes son fiebre, tos, mialgia, fatiga, odinofagia y disnea. También se ha observado que en algunos pacientes, la infección es asintomática. Los adultos mayores de 60 años infectados son el grupo de pacientes más susceptibles a desarrollar estados severos de COVID-19 y se presenta comorbilidad en presencia de enfermedades crónicas. Por otra parte, también es importante disponer de pruebas que permitan detectar al SARS-COV-2 y seguir la evolución de COVID-19 de forma rápida, confiable y barata. Para lograr esto, existen pruebas de reacción en cadena de la polimerasa de transcripción inversa en tiempo real (RT-PCR), de amplificación isotérmica de ácido nucleico y de inmunoestimulación enzimática. Actualmente, no existen tratamientos para la prevención del contagio y combatir los efectos del virus en la salud humana. Sin embargo, en el mundo hay grupos de investigación que están realizando pruebas in vitro, in vivo e in silico para encontrar fármacos que sean capaces de prevenir y/o controlar la infección en humanos con SARS-CoV-2. La cloroquina, hidroxicloroquina, remdesivir, interferon-2b y oseltamivir son algunas de las opciones farmacológicas que están siendo evaluadas en pruebas clínicas para la profilaxis de COVID-19. El objetivo de la presente revisión consiste en establecer un marco de referencia de la clasificación taxonómica del SARS-CoV-2 y la relación que guardan con otros coronavirus, así como su estructura y forma de propagarse en el ser humano. También se presentan las características y síntomas de pacientes con COVID-19, los métodos de detección y potenciales tratamientos.

Técnicas de Laboratório Clínico , Infecções por Coronavirus/epidemiologia , Pneumonia Viral/epidemiologia , Fatores Etários , Betacoronavirus/classificação , Betacoronavirus/isolamento & purificação , COVID-19 , Teste para COVID-19 , Vacinas contra COVID-19 , Infecções por Coronavirus/diagnóstico , Infecções por Coronavirus/tratamento farmacológico , Humanos , Pandemias , Pneumonia Viral/diagnóstico , Pneumonia Viral/tratamento farmacológico , Fatores de Risco , SARS-CoV-2 , Tratamento Farmacológico da COVID-19
Acta Sci Pol Technol Aliment ; 19(3): 347-357, 2020.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32978916


BACKGROUND: le tree (Sideroxylon palmeri) belongs to family Sapotaceae, and its fruits contain hydrophilic and hydrophobic gums. Aim of this study was to develop an extraction method for pectin, a hydrophilic gum, from green and ripe tempesquistle fruit. The extraction method was gentle to minimize potential structural changes in pectin, a maceration was used, and then pectin precipitation was induced with acetone at room temperature. Pectin characterization was carried out in two steps. The first step consisted of qualitative tests of Molisch, Fehling and Lugol. The second step consisted of quantitative tests to determine esterification degree (ED) by ATR-FTIR and D-galacturonic acid (D-GalA) content with a colorimetric assay. ATR-FTIR spectroscopic method revealed that green and ripe tempesquistle fruit have an ED of 0% and 30.4%, respectively. Both fruit have a low ED pectin. The content of D-GalA in green and ripe pectins was 18.8 ±2.7% and 20.2 ±0.6%, respectively. The yield obtained in green and ripe fruit samples was 1.6 ±0.2% and 3.0 ±0.1%, respectively. The extraction method allowed two types of pectins obtained in function of maturity stage of tempesquistle fruit distinguishable by. METHODS: istle tree (Sideroxylon palmeri) belongs to family Sapotaceae, and its fruits contain hydrophilic and hydrophobic gums. Aim of this study was to develop an extraction method for pectin, a hydrophilic gum, from green and ripe tempesquistle fruit. The extraction method was gentle to minimize potential structural changes in pectin, a maceration was used, and then pectin precipitation was induced with acetone at room temperature. Pectin characterization was carried out in two steps. The first step consisted of qualitative tests of Molisch, Fehling and Lugol. The second step consisted of quantitative tests to determine esterification degree (ED) by ATR-FTIR and D-galacturonic acid (D-GalA) content with a colorimetric assay. ATR-FTIR spectroscopic method revealed that green and ripe tempesquistle fruit have an ED of 0% and 30.4%, respectively. Both fruit have a low ED pectin. The content of D-GalA in green and ripe pectins was 18.8 ±2.7% and 20.2 ±0.6%, respectively. The yield obtained in green and ripe fruit samples was 1.6 ±0.2% and 3.0 ±0.1%, respectively. The extraction method allowed two types of pectins obtained in function of maturity stage of tempesquistle fruit distinguishable by ATR. RESULTS: istle tree (Sideroxylon palmeri) belongs to family Sapotaceae, and its fruits contain hydrophilic and hydrophobic gums. Aim of this study was to develop an extraction method for pectin, a hydrophilic gum, from green and ripe tempesquistle fruit. The extraction method was gentle to minimize potential structural changes in pectin, a maceration was used, and then pectin precipitation was induced with acetone at room temperature. Pectin characterization was carried out in two steps. The first step consisted of qualitative tests of Molisch, Fehling and Lugol. The second step consisted of quantitative tests to determine esterification degree (ED) by ATR-FTIR and D-galacturonic acid (D-GalA) content with a colorimetric assay. ATR-FTIR spectroscopic method revealed that green and ripe tempesquistle fruit have an ED of 0% and 30.4%, respectively. Both fruit have a low ED pectin. The content of D-GalA in green and ripe pectins was 18.8 ±2.7% and 20.2 ±0.6%, respectively. The yield obtained in green and ripe fruit samples was 1.6 ±0.2% and 3.0 ±0.1%, respectively. The extraction method allowed two types of pectins obtained in function of maturity stage of tempesquistle fruit distinguishable by ATR-FTIR.

Frutas/química , Pectinas/análise , Extratos Vegetais/análise , Sapotaceae/química , Esterificação , Ácidos Hexurônicos , Espectroscopia de Infravermelho com Transformada de Fourier
Medwave ; 20(8): e8037, 2020.
Artigo em Inglês, Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1128638


El síndrome respiratorio agudo severo coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) es responsable de la enfermedad denominada COVID-19 (acrónimo del inglés Coronavirus Disease-2019). Esta enfermedad fue detectada inicialmente en la ciudad de Wuhan, China en diciembre de 2019. Las personas contagiadas con COVID-19 presentan síntomas variados, dependiendo de su estado de salud y edad. Los síntomas más comunes son fiebre, tos, mialgia, fatiga, odinofagia y disnea. También se ha observado que en algunos pacientes, la infección es asintomática. Los adultos mayores de 60 años infectados son el grupo de pacientes más susceptibles a desarrollar estados severos de COVID-19 y se presenta comorbilidad en presencia de enfermedades crónicas. Por otra parte, también es importante disponer de pruebas que permitan detectar al SARS-COV-2 y seguir la evolución de COVID-19 de forma rápida, confiable y barata. Para lograr esto, existen pruebas de reacción en cadena de la polimerasa de transcripción inversa en tiempo real (RT-PCR), de amplificación isotérmica de ácido nucleico y de inmunoestimulación enzimática. Actualmente, no existen tratamientos para la prevención del contagio y combatir los efectos del virus en la salud humana. Sin embargo, en el mundo hay grupos de investigación que están realizando pruebas in vitro, in vivo e in silico para encontrar fármacos que sean capaces de prevenir y/o controlar la infección en humanos con SARS-CoV-2. La cloroquina, hidroxicloroquina, remdesivir, interferon-2b y oseltamivir son algunas de las opciones farmacológicas que están siendo evaluadas en pruebas clínicas para la profilaxis de COVID-19. El objetivo de la presente revisión consiste en establecer un marco de referencia de la clasificación taxonómica del SARS-CoV-2 y la relación que guardan con otros coronavirus, así como su estructura y forma de propagarse en el ser humano. También se presentan las características y síntomas de pacientes con COVID-19, los métodos de detección y potenciales tratamientos.

Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) causes COVID-19 (Coronavirus disease 2019). This disease was detected in the city of Wuhan in China in December 2019. People infected with COVID-19 shows varying manifestations, depending on their health and age. The most common symptoms are fever, cough, myalgia, fatigue, odynophagia, and dyspnea. Infected adults older 60 years of age are the group of patients most susceptible to severe COVID-19 states and present comor-bidity in the presence of chronic diseases. On the other hand, it is also essential to have tests to detect SARS-COV-2 in people and follow the evolution of COVID-19 quickly, reliably, and cheap. To achieve this, there are real-time reverse transcription pol-ymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) tests, isothermal nucleic acid amplification, and enzyme immunostimulation. Currently, there are no drug treatments to prevent infection and to combat the virus's effects. However, different research groups that are conduct-ing in vitro, in vivo, and in silico tests to find drugs able to provide an immune response and to control infection in humans with SARS-CoV-2. Chloroquine, hydroxychloroquine, remdesivir, interferon-2b, and oseltamivir are some pharmacological options evaluated in clinical trials for prophylaxis of COVID-19. The purpose of this review is to establish a reference framework for taxonomic classification of SARS-CoV-2 and the relationship they have with other CoVs, as well as their structure and propaga-tion pathways in humans. The characteristics and symptoms presented by patients with COVID-19, the detection methods, and possible treatments are also presented.

Humanos , Teste para COVID-19 , COVID-19/epidemiologia , Fatores de Risco , Fatores Etários , Pandemias , SARS-CoV-2/isolamento & purificação , SARS-CoV-2/classificação , COVID-19/diagnóstico , COVID-19/tratamento farmacológico
Ecohealth ; 16(3): 523-533, 2019 09.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31583491


Rattus spp. are reservoirs of many human zoonoses, but their role in domestic transmission cycles of human trypanosomiasis is underestimated. In this study, we report trypanosome-infected Rattus norvegicus and Rattus rattus in human dwellings in slums neighboring Maracay, a large city near Caracas, the capital of Venezuela. Blood samples of R. norvegicus and R. rattus examined by PCR and FFLB (fluorescent fragment length barcoding) revealed a prevalence of 6.3% / 31.1% for Trypanosoma lewisi (agent of rat- and flea-borne human emergent zoonosis), and 10.5% / 24.6% for Trypanosoma cruzi (agent of Chagas disease). Detection in flea guts of T. lewisi (76%) and, unexpectedly, T. cruzi (21.3%) highlighted the role of fleas as carriers and vectors of these trypanosomes. A high prevalence of rats infected with T. lewisi and T. cruzi and respective flea and triatomine vectors poses a serious risk of human trypanosomiasis in Venezuelan slums. Anthropogenic activities responsible for growing rat and triatomine populations within human dwellings drastically increased human exposure to trypanosomes. This scenario has allowed for the reemergence of Chagas disease as an urban zoonosis in Venezuela and can propitiate the emergence of atypical T. lewisi infection in humans.

Insetos Vetores/parasitologia , Doenças dos Roedores/epidemiologia , Sifonápteros/parasitologia , Tripanossomíase/veterinária , Animais , Doença de Chagas/veterinária , DNA de Protozoário , Reservatórios de Doenças/parasitologia , Áreas de Pobreza , Ratos , Trypanosoma cruzi/genética , Trypanosoma lewisi/genética , Venezuela/epidemiologia , Zoonoses/transmissão
Int J Med Mushrooms ; 20(7): 607-621, 2018.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30055553


The genus Pleurotus is the third most commonly produced edible fungi in the world. In addition, species of genus Pleurotus have functional properties such as anticancer, antiviral, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant activities, which are mainly attributed to phenolic compounds. For these reasons, this study evaluated the productivity and antioxidant activity (AA) of 2 wild strains (white and pink), 2 reconstituted strains (called "BB" and "RR"), and 4 hybrid strains (H1, H2, H3, and H4) of P. djamor from monokaryotic components (neohaplonts). The results showed that the white wild-type strain and the reconstituted strains exhibited the best production potential, expressed as biological efficiency and mycelial growth rate. The carpophores of hybrid strains H1 and H3 had the greatest AA, as evaluated with DPPH radical scavenging and reducing power assays, respectively. The H3 strain had the highest total phenol (TP) content. Pearson correlations led us to conclude that the mycelial growth rate has a regular inverse correlation with TP and a regular direct correlation with AA of methanolic extracts from carpophores and myce-lia. This is, to our knowledge, the first report in the literature about the effect of Pleurotus strain hybridization through a chemical de-dikaryotization process on TP content.

Anti-Infecciosos/química , Antioxidantes/química , Fenóis/química , Extratos Vegetais/química , Pleurotus/química , Verduras/química , Anti-Infecciosos/isolamento & purificação , Antioxidantes/isolamento & purificação , Quimera/genética , Quimera/crescimento & desenvolvimento , México , Micélio/química , Micélio/genética , Micélio/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Fenóis/isolamento & purificação , Extratos Vegetais/isolamento & purificação , Pleurotus/genética , Pleurotus/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Verduras/genética , Verduras/crescimento & desenvolvimento
Acta Sci Pol Technol Aliment ; 16(4): 361-370, 2017.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29241315


The food industry is becoming more specialized and processing methods are continuously being developed to meet consumer needs. Consumers demand products that are safe and preferably free of synthetic additives. These additives are associated with health effects, in most cases without reasonable justification. Consequently, consumers are looking for clearly labelled products that guarantee the absence of synthetic additives. This has led to the need to search for natural additives, which the food industry claims arenatural antioxidant preservatives. The sources of natural antioxidants can be extremely varied, because practically all plants contain antioxidants that allow them to protect themselves from solar radiation and pests, as well as to regulate the production of chemical energy. However, the best alternatives for the food industry are fruits and spices, because they are already foods themselves. This article will describe fruits and spices considered as important sources of phenolic antioxidants. The main medicinal properties are related to phenolic compounds and their uses as additives, depending on their chemical structure.

Antioxidantes/química , Produtos Biológicos/química , Conservantes de Alimentos/química , Extratos Vegetais/química , Frutas/química , Fenóis/química
Front Microbiol ; 5: 383, 2014.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25147544


The antimicrobial activity of 12 plant extracts was tested against the phytopathogens Alternaria alternata and Fusarium solani. In addition, the compatibility of the extracts toward Bacillus liqueniformis, a biofertilizer and a non-target microorganism, was assessed. Plants tested belong to the Euphorbiaceae, Asteraceae, Crassulaceae, Rubiaceae, Convolvulaceae, Verbenaceae, Orchidaceae, Nyctaginaceae, Boraginaceae, and Tiliaceae families and were collected in the State of Oaxaca. The antifungal activity of the plant extracts (50-100 mg/mL) against A. alternata and F. solani, was determined by measuring the mycelium radial growth and obtaining the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of fungal growth. In addition, with the aim of finding plant extracts which are compatible with a B. licheniformis biofertilizer strain and to test the non-toxic nature of the treatments, the toxicity of the extracts toward this strain was evaluated using the agar diffusion method. Azoxystrobin (12 µg) and chloramphenicol (30 µg) were used as positive controls for the pathogens and for the non-target bacteria, respectively. Plant extracts inhibited fungal growth in the ranges of 0.76-56.17% against F. solani and 2.02-69.07% against A. alternata. The extracts of Acalypha subviscida, Ipomoea murucoides, Tournefortia densiflora and Lantana achyranthifolia showed MIC values between 5.77-12.5 mg/mL for at least one of the fungal species. The best treatment, Adenophyllum aurantium, exhibited a maximum inhibition for both F. solani (56.17%, MIC = 7.78 mg/mL) and A. alternata (68.64% MIC = 7.78 mg/mL), and resulted innocuous toward B. licheniformis. Therefore, this plant has an outstanding potential for the agroecological control of fungal phytopathogens in industrial crops.

Arch. venez. farmacol. ter ; 29(2): 25-27, jun. 2010. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-630372


El doping consiste en la administración ilícita de fármacos o de otros agentes en animales de competición con la intención de alterar su rendimiento físico, ya sea en sentido positivo o negativo. El objetivo de este estudio fue reportar un caso de hipersensibilidad tipo I asociado a administración ilícita de nandrolona, boldenona y dexametasona. Se remite un equino (Pura Sangre de Carrera), de 5 años, con historia de colapso y muerte súbita post administración de fármaco desconocido. Se tomaron muestras de sangre y orina para estudios toxicológicos mediante la técnica de ELISA competitivo. Se le práctico la técnica de necropsia, fueron colectadas muestras de tejido pulmonar, hepático, renal, gástrico, esplénico, corazón y sistema nervioso central para estudio histopatológico, las muestras fueron procesados por los métodos convencionales histológicos. Los hallazgos de necropsia fueron flebitis severa en vena yugular derecha, con hematoma en el surco yugular. Edema severo de glotis, edema, congestión y hemorragia pulmonar. Hemorragia petequial subendocardica. Bazo esplenocontraido y con focos de necrosis de coagulación. Hidronefrosis aguda con hematuria. Hígado con patrón lobulillar acentuado. El resto de los órganos con evidente congestión y hemorragia. Los cortes histológicos evidenciaron edema, congestión y hemorragia pulmonar severa. Hemorragia subepicardica marcada. Edema subcapsular esplénico y necrosis centro-folicular. Degeneración hidropica tubular, necrosis tubular aguda. Necrosis de corteza renal. Los estudios toxicológicos permitieron la detección de boldenona, nandrolona y dexametasona genérica en las muestras de sangre y orina. En conclusión se reporta un síndrome de hipersensibilidad tipo I asociado a la administración nandrolona, boldenona y dexametasona

The doping is the administration of illicit drugs or other agents in animal competition with the intention of altering its physical performance, whether positive or negative. The aim of this study was to report a case of type I hypersensitivity associated with illicit administration of nandrolone, boldenone and dexamethasone. Reference is an equine (Thoroughbreds), 5 years old with a history of collapse and sudden death after the administration of medication unknown. Samples of blood and urine were recollected for toxicological by competitive ELISA. Tissue samples were collected by necropsy of lung, liver, kidney, stomach, spleen, heart and central nervous system for histopathological study, the samples were processed by conventional histological methods. The necropsy findings were severe phlebitis right jugular vein, with hematoma in the jugular furrow. Severe edema of glottis, pulmonary congestion and hemorrhage. Subendocardial petechial hemorrhage. Spleen foci of coagulation necrosis. Acute hydronephrosis and hematury. Liver with accentuated lobular pattern. The rest of the bodies with obvious congestion and hemorrhage. The histological sections showed edema, congestion and severe pulmonary hemorrhage. Marked subepicardial hemorrhage. Edema and necrosis of splenic subcapsular follicular center. Tubular hydropic degeneration, acute tubular necrosis. Necrosis of renal cortex. Toxicological studies allowed the detection of boldenone, nandrolone and dexamethasone generic in blood and urine samples. In conclusion we report a type I hypersensitivity syndrome associated with the administration nandrolone, boldenone and dexamethasone

Animais , Doping nos Esportes , Substâncias para Melhoria do Desempenho/administração & dosagem , Substâncias para Melhoria do Desempenho/efeitos adversos , Anabolizantes/administração & dosagem , Anabolizantes/efeitos adversos , Dexametasona , Nandrolona/administração & dosagem
Vet. Méx ; 29(3): 227-31, jul.-sept. 1998. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-241377


Se realizó un experimento, con el objeto de evaluar el efecto de la adicción de la vitamina E, en el agua de bebida durante los primeros 21 días de edad, sobre la viabilidad y productividad del pollito de engorda de mala calidad. Se utilizaron 2800 pollos distribuidos en 4 tratamientos con 7 réplicas de 100 aves cada uno. Los tratamientos consistieron en la adicción de vitamina E en el agua de bebida en dosis de 125 UI/1 de agua, durante los primeros 7, 14 y 21 días de edad, comparados con un grupo testigo que no recibió vitamina E añadida en el agua de bebida. Los resultados de mortalidad en los primeros 21 días de edad, indicaron diferencias significativas (P < 0.05) en favor de los tratamientos en donde se adiccionó la vitamina E, durante los primeros 7, 14 y 21 días en relación al testigo (8.28 por ciento, 8.86 por ciento, 7.71 por ciento y 10.71 por ciento), lo que contribuyó a que los porcentajes de mortalidad a los 53 días de edad, mostraran la misma respuesta (P< 0.05) significativa (13.27, 13.74, 13.85 y 17.08), sin afectar (P> 0.05) la ganancia en el peso corporal (2337, 2369, 2364 y 2362 g), consumo de alimento (4848, 4931, 4922 y 4890 g) y conservasión alimenticia (2.10, 2.11, 2.11 y 2.10 g/g), entre los diferentes tratamientos, a los 53 días de edad. Se concluye que la adicción de 125 UI/l de vitamina E administrada en el agua de bebida durante los primeros 7 días de edad en el pollo de engorda de mas calidad, disminuyó la mortalidad, sin afectar los parámetros productivos

Animais , Controle de Qualidade , Vitamina E/provisão & distribuição , Bebidas/provisão & distribuição , Alimentos Formulados/provisão & distribuição , Galinhas/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Galinhas/metabolismo
Vet. Méx ; 26(4): 333-40, oct.-dic. 1995. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-173908


Se evaluó la adicción de las vitaminas C y E en el alimento de iniciación y finalización (1-28 y 29-56 días de edad) sobre los parámetros productivos y la respuesta inmune del pollo de engorda. Se seleccionaron 1,6000 pollos de estirpe Indian River X Peterson de la misma incubadora, que se distribuyeron en 4 tratamientos con 4 repeticiones de 100 pollos cada una. Los tratamientos fueron la dieta base o testigo o con suplementación entre de 200 ppm de vitamina C + 74,000 U.I. de vitamina E/ton. Los parámetros evaluados fueron los productivos, así como los perfiles inmunológicos a través de niveles de anticuerpos como una respuesta primaria y secundaria a glóbulos rojos de borrego (GRB), Brucella abortus (Ba) y a la vacuna de virus vivos modificado (VVM) y muerto de newcastle (VM). Los tratamientos fueron similares en cuanto a peso corporal, consumo de alimento, conversión alimenticia y mormalidad. En todos los antígenos usados para evaluar la respuesta primaria, el testigo presentó títulos menores mostrando diferencia significativa a los 21 días posinoculación; para GRB a favor de la adicción conjunta de vitamina C + E (5.6 vs 2.4), Ba (12.4 vs 0) y para VVM a favor de la adición de vitamina E (5.4 vs 4.4). La respuesta secundaria fue favorable para los tratamientos donde se administraron las vitaminas. Para GRB, hubo una diferencia a los 7 días posinoculación de la segunda aplicación a favor de la vitamina C + E (24 vs. 6.4); para Ba hubo una respuesta a los 7 días posinoculación de la primera aplicación a favor de la vitamina C (35.2 vs. 19.2) y para VM la respuesta secundaria fue mejor con vitamina C + E a los 7 días posinoculación de la segunda aplicación (7.8 vs. 6.4) y a los 14 días posinoculación (8.6 vs 7.0). Los resultados indican que las adiciones extras de las vitaminas C y E en dietas para pollo de engorda mejoran la respuesta inmunológica

Animais , Vitamina E/farmacocinética , Vitaminas na Dieta , Alimentos Fortificados , Galinhas/metabolismo , Dieta/veterinária , Ácido Ascórbico/farmacocinética , Fenômenos Fisiológicos da Nutrição do Lactente
Rev. serv. sanid. fuerzas polic ; 46(2): 128-30, jul.-dic. 1985. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, LIPECS | ID: lil-27498


Evaluamos 4,556 recién nacidos vivos en el Departamento de Neonatología del HCSFP, de Julio de 1981 a Diciembre de 1983, encontrando 49 casos que habían tenido dificultad respiratoria en la etapa neonatal temprana, la causa más frecuente fue taquipnea transitoria: 15 casos (30.6%), luego siguieron en frecuencia: la enfermedad de membrana hialiana: 14 casos (28,5%) y síndrome de gran aspiración: 8 casos (16.3%). El 80% de los niños afectados por taquipnea transitoria (TT) eran de sexo masculino, la edad gestacional y el peso promedio fueron 37 semanas y 2,854 respectivamente. En el 46% de los casos había antecedentes de cesárea. Los síntomas además de polipnea fueron: cianosis y retracción de grado variable. El pico del grado de dificultad respiratoria era entre las 3 y 8 horas de nacido y la valoración en el test de Silverman nunca excedió de un puntaje de 6. Los controles de gases en sangre arterializada con una FiO2 de 0.4 mostraron sólo en tres casos: hipoxemia y acidosis metabólica leves. Todos los niños evolucionaron en forma satisfactoria con tratamiento conservador

Recém-Nascido , Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Insuficiência Respiratória/diagnóstico , Gasometria